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Lawyers' Association for Women Marion Griffin Chapter foundation

The Lawyers' Association for Women Marion Griffin Chapter Foundation (Foundation) was incorporated in November of 2022 with funds collected by the Lawyers' Association for Women - Marion Griffin Chapter. 


(A) To promote, support, and foster charitable programs and services that advocate for and encourage the participation and inclusion of women in the legal profession, on the bench, in bar associations, and in leadership positions;

(B) To educate individuals about issues affecting women in the legal profession and legal issues affecting women in society;

(C) To foster dialogue about unjust societal discrimination and bias; and that promote diversity in the workplace, bar association membership, and legal profession generally; and 

(D) To engage in other activities in furtherance of such purposes and exercise any and all powers, rights, and privileges as may be authorized by the Charter of the Corporation and that are permitted to be carried on by an entity either (i) exempt from Federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, or (ii) to which contributions are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Code.

Go to Bylaws Page to read the Foundation Bylaws.

Board Members


Shellie Handelsman

Vice President

Kimberly Faye


Sara Anne Quinn


Bernadette Welch

Director at Large

Margaret L. Behm

Director at Large

Melanie Gober Grand


President Board of Directors LAW

Courtney Orr

Past President Board of Directors LAW

Emily Warth

President-Elect Board of Directors LAW

Leighann Ness


The Lawyers' Association for Women Marion Griffin Chapter Foundation—through its Trustees—must guide the Foundation to a more purposeful mission. If you would like to help with these efforts, contributions are appreciated and accepted online. If you wish to donate stock to the Foundation, please contact Julie Alley, J.D., Senior Vice President, Trust and Wealth Administrator, Pinnacle Financial Partners, 629-216-3470, 

To Contribute 

Click Here.

Use the QR code.

Mail a check payable to: LAW Foundation, P. O. Box 150532, Nashville, TN 37215.

Thank you for supporting the LAW Foundation.

Refund Policy: All contributions/donations are non-refundable. Please call 615-428-6657 should you have any questions.

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